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Teknologi terlengkap untuk aksi iklim kamu

Platform komprehensif Jejakin memberdayakan bisnis untuk melakukan aksi perubahan iklim dan menciptakan dampak yang bermakna.

Program Monitoring HD Pasir Kalimantan

2809 Ha

Singkawang, Kalimantan

API Usage Dashboard

Platform komprehensif yang menghasilkan dampak iklim terukur

Didorong oleh urgensi perubahan iklim, Jejakin berkomitmen untuk membantu bisnis mengurangi jejak karbon mereka. Platform manajemen karbon menyeluruh kami memungkinkan perusahaan melakukan perubahan yang nyata dan berdampak.


Pohon yang ditanam di seluruh Indonesia


Program perubahan iklim dijalankan


Hektar area cakupan program


Transaksi untuk program kami


Orang-orang yang terlibat di program

200+ komunitas yang terlibat dalam proyek

Tonton Video

Hapus emisi karbon dengan teknologi terdepan, semua dalam satu platform

Teknologi canggih, mulai dari pemantauan real-time hingga analitik lanjutan, ada di platform kami yang mengintegrasikan IoT, citra satelit, AI, dan alat yang bisa kamu sesuaikan. Semua hal itu untuk mendukung bisnismu mencapai tujuan yang keberlanjutan.

Aplikasi lapangan – Aplikasi ini memungkinkan pengumpulan data secara offline dan integrasi sensor IoT secara real-time, sehingga kamu bisa memonitor kondisi lapangan dengan lancar dan tanpa batas.

Pencitraan satelit & drone – Data resolusi tinggi dari satelit dan drone diproses langsung di platform kami, memungkinkan analisis lingkungan yang tepat dan mendetail.

Sensor IoT – Sensor ini dirancang khusus untuk mengumpulkan data akurat, memastikan informasi yang kamu dapatkan selalu andal dan berkualitas tinggi.

MRV & analitik – Dengan dashboard yang informatif dan analitik canggih, platform ini membantu kamu memantau emisi karbon dan kemajuan program reboisasi dengan akurat dan mudah dipahami.

Platform kontribusi yang bisa disesuaikan – Buat halaman yang didesain khusus agar pelanggan bisa melacak dampak karbon dan membeli pohon dengan cara yang unik dan sesuai identitas brandmu.

Integrasi API untuk Perusahaan – Mudah dan tanpa hambatan, integrasikan fitur-fitur keberlanjutan Jejakin ke dalam aplikasi yang sudah kamu miliki dengan API kami yang kuat.

...dan lebih banyak fitur menarik lainnya

Aksi perubahan iklim lebih mudah diakses

Mengubah data menjadi insight yang dapat ditindaklanjuti, berdayakan bisnis untuk membuat keputusan yang lebih bijak demi masa depan yang berkelanjutan.

Transform Data into Action

Jejakin’s solutions turn climate data into practical insights, helping industries across the board drive meaningful change.

Assess The Impact Smarter

Our advanced technology provides in-depth analytics and climate science, tailored to support diverse industry needs.

Measure and Decarbonize Faster

Accelerate your sustainability goals with Jejakin’s comprehensive tools for carbon accounting, monitoring, and integration.

Your Sustainability Strategy Needs More Than Good Intentions

Optimize your sustainability targets by incorporating Jejakin’s powerful features into daily operations. Scale up intelligently and reduce emissions effectively.

Emission Accounting


Track and record GHG emissions across Scope 1, 2, and 3.

Emission Reporting


Gain insights and compliance with GRI and TCFD standards.

Tree Planting & Monitoring


Measure carbon stock potential through NbS projects.

Impact Assessment


Receive detailed impact measurements for NbS projects.

Pre-FS Reporting


Accelerate early-stage carbon stock assessments.

Employee Contribution


Engage employees in green initiatives and programs.

Tree Purchase


Empower customers to support our green programs.

Loyalty Program


Convert loyalty points into contributions for green projects.

Bermitra dengan Kami untuk Dampak Iklim Nyata

Discover how Jejakin’s technology can empower your sustainability journey. Schedule a call or demo to see how we can help your enterprise drive measurable change.

Book a Demo

Apa Kata Mitra Kami Tentang Kami

We’re working with Jejakin to give the tourists the opportunities to travel responsibly.

Sandiaga Uno

Former of Indonesia Ministry Tourism and creative

We’re partnering with Jejakin to decarbonize all of our operations, as well as to provide our users the opportunities to reduce their rides’ emissions.​

Tanah Sullivan

Head of sustainability, GoTo Group

By using digital tools made by Jejakin, we can combat climate change and empower communities, starting with our first program in Demak.

Aria Widyanto

Chief Risk & Sustainability Officer, Amartha

Carbon measuring is something really new for Indonesia and therefore we need a special company and tool to do it

Yozua Makes

Chief Executive Officer, Plataran Group

Dampak Tingkat Selanjutnya, Di Luar Karbon

Jejakin’s green programs combine high-tech monitoring, biodiversity restoration, and community-led initiatives to deliver powerful, sustainable change across ecosystems.

High-tech Monitoring

Using IoT and satellite tech for accurate monitoring of project growth and environmental impact.

Tree Planting & Adoption

Engaging individuals and communities in tree planting and adoption, fostering a shared commitment to reforestation.

Native Species Focus

Prioritizing planting native species to boost ecosystem resilience and support local biodiversity.

Biodiversity Monitoring

Tracking entire ecosystems, including wildlife, to ensure balanced and thriving biodiversity.

Community Conservation

Empowering locals to lead conservation, creating sustainable livelihoods and community ownership.

Multi-benefit Planting

Planting carbon-sequestering trees that provide food and income to local communities.

Impact-driven Location

Choosing sites based on carbon capture, community benefits, and ecological restoration needs.

Blue-carbon Ecosystem

Revitalizing coastal ecosystems like mangroves for carbon capture and marine biodiversity.


Kelompok Pelestari Hutan Pesanguan

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all Jejakin partner who joined us in the journey to restore and rejuvenate the environmental functions in Pesanguan.


Head of KTH Karya Muda Lestari

Jejakin has enabled us to improve housing, enhance local biodiversity (including shrimp and fish), combat climate change, and coexist with nature.

Our Projects for Nature


Helping people in Katibung-Sumatra to replanting forest

See Project

North Jakarta

Restoring Mangrove area in North Jakarta Shore

See Project


Re-wilding Mangrove forest around Bali’s Shore

See Project


Re-planting Mangrove on Lampung’s Shore

See Project

Mendorong Dampak Positif di Seluruh Tujuan Global Utama

Jejakin’s green programs combine high-tech monitoring, biodiversity restoration, and community-led initiatives to deliver powerful, sustainable change across ecosystems.

Stay Informed on Climate, Carbon, and Sustainability

Explore expert insights, trends, and stories from the frontlines of sustainability.


Langkah Berani Indonesia: Luncurkan Perdagangan Karbon Internasional

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Climate changes

Mengenal Proyek Nature-Based Solutions dan Manfaatnya

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Climate changes

Hutan Mangrove, Penyelamat Pantai dan Penyerap Karbon Efektif

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Blibli Luncurkan Fitur Misi Tanam Pohon bersama Jejakin

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