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Jejakin is Now a Certified B Corporation™️: A Note From Our CEO

Company News and Updates

As we approach the end of 2023, we are closing this year with a new milestone. Jejakin, a climate tech company that accelerates the decarbonization efforts for all, is now a Certified B Corporation™️.

Since 2020, Jejakin has been building tech-based solution to support the acceleration of climate actions in Indonesia. We recognize that climate change is an issue that we have to work with collaboratively, and thus we are working together with over 20 multinational corporations across diverse industries. Our recent B Corporation certification from B Lab reaffirms our commitment to meeting high standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability.

Now, as a B Corp family, we’re proud to be part of a global movement for an inclusive, equitable, and regenerative economy. This marks a new chapter for Jejakin, as we continue our journey toward a sustainable and thriving future.

I would like to thank all of Jejakin's team, our partners, and our stakeholders for having the same collective purpose for our planet and making this certification possible.

Let's continue to work together to save our tomorrow.

Arfan Arlanda

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Driving Positive Impact Across Key Global Goals

Jejakin’s green programs combine high-tech monitoring, biodiversity restoration, and community-led initiatives to deliver powerful, sustainable change across ecosystems.