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Living The Spirit of Gotong Royong Through Festival Lestari 5


As of the mitra gotong royong (collaborative partner) of Lingkar Temu Kabupaten Lestari (LTKL), Jejakin participated in the Festival Lestari 5 held in Sigi District, Central Sulawesi.

Festival Lestari is a joint celebration and a means of strengthening mutual cooperation among member districts of Lingkar Temu Kabupaten Lestari (LTKL) – an assembly for sustainable development in the Association of District Governments throughout Indonesia (APKASI).

For the first time this year, Festival Lestari was held in partnership with the Provincial Government. Hosted by Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi, Festival Lestari 5 had the theme 'Tumbuh Lebih Baik' (Growing Better), representing the hope for Sigi Regency and Central Sulawesi Province to remain consistent in their pursuit of sustainable development.

The five-day festival featured various events, including the Indonesia Business & Investment Forum on Nature Based Innovation and the educative trekking tour into nature called Telusur Alam Lestari: Hutan Ranjuri.

Indonesia Business & Investment Forum on Nature Based Innovation

The 1st Indonesia Business & Investment Forum on Nature Based Innovation took place at Bukit Indah Doda, Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi on Friday (23/6/2023). The event was attended by 25 micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) from nine member districts of LTKL.

During this occasion, MSME actors presented their products to the invited guests, who were investors attending the Festival Lestari 5. The Business and Partnership Matching Sustainable Enterprises is a promotional event where MSMEs introduce nature-based products to potential investors. This program, presented by LTKL, aims to explore partnerships between MSMEs and potential investors with a sustainable vision. The MSME actors in attendance consisted of craftsmen producing non-timber forest products, such as handicrafts made from rattan and bamboo, as well as MSMEs involved in spice production (e.g., soy sauce and onions), plantation products, and their derivatives.

Our CEO & Founder, Arfan Arlanda, presenting the collaboration program

During the event, our Founder & CEO, Arfan Arlanda, delivered an opening speech about the festival and the launch of our collaborative program. Together with LTKL, the Sigi Regency Government, and Gojek Indonesia, we initiated a tree adoption program in Hutan Ranjuri. This program serves as a mitigation effort for climate change (as the forest played a crucial role in protecting Sigi Regency from a major flood) and aims to encourage people to contribute to the preservation of Hutan Ranjuri.

The forum demonstrated the spirit of gotong royong, encouraging the implementation of nature-based development. Business actors, government representatives, and members of the public were present to participate. All parties agreed that nature-based development should be prioritized and not delayed.

Telusur Alam Lestari: Hutan Ranjuri

Sigi District experienced significant infrastructure damage due to natural disasters in 2018, which had a considerable impact on both the local community and the region's economy. Currently, the Sigi District Government is collaborating on various programs to restore the area's condition after the earthquake and flood, including efforts to preserve the environment, particularly forest areas. As part of the series of events, the Festival Lestari 5 featured Telusur Alam Lestari: Hutan Ranjuri.

Exploring through the beauty of Hutan Ranjuri

Telusur Alam Lestari: Hutan Ranjuri involves exploring, experiencing, and learning about various methods of nature and forest conservation, aiming to delve deeper into forest management. This activity facilitates a multi-stakeholder exchange of knowledge on disaster prevention methods. The District Government of Sigi and Jejakin are currently initiating a Tree Adoption program to involve the community in maintaining and protecting forests as part of their conservation and restoration efforts.

All of the participants of Telusur Alam Lestari: Hutan Ranjuri

Our Chief of Sustainability & Climate Change, Haris Iskandar, explained Jejakin's role in protecting and sustaining the forest. Through the GoGreener AdopTree program initiative and utilizing Jejakin's digital tools, the entire community can contribute to maintaining the sustainability of forest ecosystems and directly impact the society and communities involved in forest management.

As we participate in this event, our hope extends beyond the participants and collaborative partners of LTKL. We aspire for a collective commitment to preserving these efforts, reaching out to people throughout Indonesia. By engaging and inspiring a wider audience, we aim to foster a sense of shared responsibility and encourage active involvement in sustainable initiatives. Together, let’s embrace the importance of preserving our natural resources, protecting our environment, and promoting sustainable development for a better future!

About Jejakin

Jejakin is a climate tech company that focuses on creating solutions to mitigate climate change. Utilizing AI and IoT as the foundation of our technology, Jejakin aims to establish a circular economy through our platform, accelerating our clients' journey towards achieving net-zero emissions.

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Driving Positive Impact Across Key Global Goals

Jejakin’s green programs combine high-tech monitoring, biodiversity restoration, and community-led initiatives to deliver powerful, sustainable change across ecosystems.